Puppy Diary
Puppy RED
This little bundle of joy often lies on its back – both when sleeping and suckling.
Not for the first time she just lies on mom's front leg to sleep.
Meanwhile it is noticeable that Lila still likes to lie on her side and on her back. As the only one you can often see her relaxed tongue sticking out.
Lila's namesakes chose the name Antonia Augusta for the little lady. Lila can do something that the others don't: she likes to suckle while lying on her back. Now she's trying out this position when she's lying alone - looks funny. Sometimes it still snags on the roll to get up, and then you kick your little paws in the air for a while...but then it always works😉
Lila still often lies on her back. So it's a good idea to scratch her tummy - it's really good! Lila was the first to use the pee mat in a targeted manner, instead of having it done like all the other moms or peeing on the beautiful insulating mat. Chapeau, let's see if she can assert herself as a role model😉
It's super fun to play with the dice, but afterwards you're broken and have to rest on your back like so often.
She also particularly likes being scratched on her tummy and then scratches vigorously. The supine position continues to be very popular. Otherwise she is a little daredevil when playing, although she frees herself very well when she is playfully worked on by siblings in the popular supine position. She is very interested in objects that hang down and used to hang her front paws in the chew ring and dance around with her hind legs until she had had enough. Good muscle training for front and hind legs! Favorite toy: Orca